Classic Car ads – Rover 2200 SC

Words : The three car Rover 2200 range replaced the Rover 2000 models in the UK in autumn 1973 … Power was up (98bhp on the 2200 SC compared to 89bhp on the old 2000 SC) and more parts including rear suspension and fuel tank were now commonized with the 3500. Seats were changed giving…

Which RS will you choose?

Brilliant GIF image showing all the RS Ford’s that have been made. There was only ever one that was iconic- the 1975 RS2000…………….namely because Doyle in the Professionals drove one. Which is your favourite?

Screw this

One of the best guides I have come across for a long while. I can never remember which is which when it comes to screws and such, but this will come very useful when needed. Highly recommend bookmarking this post for reference!  

Tailgating karma

In Switzerland, they have some of the worst drivers in the world – lack of road manners, refuse to stop and zebra crossings and if ever in Germany, use the Autobahn as a racetrack. They also tailgate if they cannot get past you. The Daily Crap did have this video posted there and I have…